As Bolaño’s friend and literary executor, Ignacio Echevarría, once suggested, Antwerp can be viewed as the Big Bang of Roberto Bolaño’s fictional universe. Reading this novel, the reader is present at the birth of...
A Tuareg youth ventures into trackless desert on a life-threatening quest to find the father he remembers only as a shadow from his childhood, but the spirit world frustrates and tests his resolve. For a time, he is rewarded with the Eden of a lost...
Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants has become one of the most beloved and bestselling novels of our time. Now Gruen has moved from a circus elephant to family of bonobo apes. When the apes are kidnapped from a language laboratory, their mysterious...
Laure Mi Hyun Croset est une écrivaine suisse née en 1973 à Séoul.
Après la pluie, le beau temps — 7 petits contes d'aujourd'hui, tous inspires par des proverbes de la langue francaise, pour parler des relations humaines et de la...
«Klüssendorfs Mädchen ist eine Heldin unserer Zeit» (Die Zeit) — und nun wird es erwachsen.
Die Kindheit ist vorüber, aber erlöst ist das Mädchen deshalb noch lange nicht. Nach ihrem hochgelobten Roman» Das Mädchen «schreibt Angelika...
APSIS (Art Political Scientific Information School) — многопрофильное учебное заведение, являющееся платформой для подготовки новых кадров как в сфере...