Turn on a Dime - Kade's Turn

Turn on a Dime - Kade's Turn
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Snow Tiffany
Язык: русский
Добавила: Sveta 6 Сен 14
Проверила: Sveta 6 Сен 14
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Turn on a Dime - Kade's Turn - It only takes a second, a fraction of a second, to forever change your life. That moment happened to me years ago. I did something you can’t take back, and I’d do it again. It’s a secret I’ll take to my grave—which is probably sooner rather than later—and that’s okay. I live with my choices.

Three things I’ve learned—bad things happen to good people, life isn’t fair, and the bad guy doesn’t get the girl. And I’m most definitely the bad guy.

I’ve always made my own decisions. I’ve never apologized for them, and I never will. Regret is an emotion I’ve never had to face.

Until now. Until her.

She once told me that what I did, killing people for a living, wasn’t good for my soul. I told her I was beyond saving. The tru! th is that I’m not worth saving. Not anymore.

But when I look in her eyes, I wish I was the man she deserves, the man she loves.

My brother.

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