Annabella, córka kucharki, zakochuje się w poruczniku Marcusie Dalinie, który przybył do jej rodzinnego miasta, by chronić króla przed spiskowcami. Uboga dziewczyna może tylko marzyć o młodzieńcu z...
Nina thinks the last thing she needs is Fred--part basset, part beagle, and part manic-depressive puppy. Then Fred brings home Alex Moore, poster boy for lonely women. Nina loves Fred, but really, anyone but...
For Reagan Deveraux, Sugar Creek, Vermont, and the Cupcake Lovers are a dream come true: A cozy little town where family and friends come before everything else. She’s never experienced anything like it—especially not...
Brody never forgot his first love, the one his pride made him lose. When the world dies almost overnight, he finds himself drawn back to his hometown and the love he left behind.
Hannah never thought the expression, ‘Not if you were the last man...
Abigail Rosen, nicknamed Appassionata, was the sexiest, most flamboyant violinist in classical music, but she was also the loneliest and the most exploited girl in the world. When a dramatic suicide attempt destroyed her violin career, she set...
Años atrás, Pippa Davis y Luke Danton habían vivido una intensa aventura. Posteriormente, el destino los separó cuando ella ya estaba embarazada, pero había llegado la hora de que Pippa se reencontrara con Luke. Por el bien...
She learned about love first... in the back seat of a car. Her second lesson came soon after, on autumn leaves no less fallen than she — and none more scarlet. From then on she had a—
BAD NAME... and the whole town whispered:
A — for...
La inapropiada novia de King… ¿y un niño?.Todo el mundo hacía lo que Jefferson King ordenaba. Salvo la gente de cierto pueblo irlandés que había “comprado” para su última producción. Y, cuando el magnate...