Some invitations don’t need to be sent…only accepted.
Antiques dealer Annabelle Elder’s life is nowhere near as passionate as the erotic art she collects. A cheating ex-boyfriend and her business have seen to that. So when she attends a...
Between the pages...between the sheets...something's smokin'!
Jamesville, Book 6 Amanda Barrington hopes Jamesville is the right place for her rare-book business--and her new life. The moving truck barely pulls away before both are off...
Cuando Elliott Wallace, el Vizconde Lyngate, llega a Throckbridge, la pequeña villa está alborotada por la llegada del baile del día de San Valentín. Las damas de la ciudad están ocupadas acicalándose para el baile y...
Annabelle está harta de ser la única fracasada en una familia de triunfadores. Ha soportado trabajos sin futuro y la ruptura de un compromiso matrimonial. ¡Hasta su pelo es un desastre! Pero todo eso va a cambiar ahora que se ha hecho...
A single father who yearns to be a family man, Logan O'Donnell is determined to create the perfect Christmas for his son, Charlie. The entire O'Donnell clan arrives to spend the holidays in Avalon, a postcard-pretty town on the shores of Willow...