Lonely widow Sara Goldfarb nutures fantasies about appearing on prime-time television, while her son Harry, along with girlfriend Marion and buddy Tyrone C. Love, plans his break into big-time drug...
Back when the millenium was new, Vago Damitio decided he’d had enough of the corporate world and decided to see what it was like being homeless. Actually, he’d only been in the corpoate world for about six months and he became house-less, not...
“All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.”
—Chuck Palahniuk
Satan Burger is the international cult hit that has grown such an enormous following over the past 10 years that it not...
La vida de Eddie Spinola toma un inesperado giro cuando prueba el MDT-48, una droga sintética desarrollada por un misterioso laboratorio. Sus efectos le permitirán experimentar una inusitada actividad intelectual y física que lo...