Czy buk może wyrosnąć w ciągu jednej nocy? Owszem. W ogrodzie śpiewaczki Zofii Simeonidis w Paryżu. Tyle że odtąd kobieta nie może zmrużyć oka, po nocach myśląc o tym drzewie. A potem...
John who? It all began simply enough, God knows. Mary Hazelwood suddenly decided to go away for the weekend and left a note for her sister Susie, with whom she shared an apartment, that she was off for Los Angeles and that John was driving her to...
A story of murder and corruption set in Puerto Rico and Atlantic City. Tommy Donovan has a casino in both places. Our cop hero Vincent is convalescing in Puerto Rico after being shot by a mugger. Vincent gets involved with a Puerto Ricon beauty...