Así reza la carta que, escrita con la propia sangre de su hijo Harald, recibe en Alemania Amelia Gotlieb, días después de que la policía islandesa encontrara el cadáver del muchacho en la Facultad de Historia de Reykjavik:...
In einem angesehenen Hotel in Reykjavik wird der Portier erstochen aufgefunden, als Weihnachtsmann verkleidet. Ein rätselhafter Mord, den Erlendur und seine Kollegen von der Kripo Reykjavik aufklären sollen, ohne die internationalen...
The two strands running through Clive Thurston's life are utterly incompatible. On the one hand is Carol, a rare bird in Hollywood, an actress with integrity and intelligence, and his own undistinguished literary output, a combination to bring...
Carmine Canucci (“Ganooch” to his friends) was a retired soft-drinks magnate with a nice estate in Larchmont and influence in, well, certain circles. Which was precisely why Nanny Poole, the English governess he had hired to look after his...