In “Strike Zone,” tells the story of a particularly peculiar crime — the murder of the most famous pinch hitter in history, who happened to be a midget — and also explores the colorful legend of baseball Bill...
Dave Robicheaux is a haunted man.
Between his recurrent nightmares about Vietnam, his battle with alcoholism, and the sudden loss of his beloved wife, Molly, his thoughts drift from one irreconcilable memory to the next. Images of ghosts at...
Thirtysomething Nick Stefanos, up-from-the-sales-floor ad manager at a Washington, D.C., electronics chain, has quit smoking and considerably reduced his drug intake but still drinks pretty heavily. When the grandfather of Jimmy Broda, a stockboy...
Bajo el ardiente sol piurano, cuelga de un árbol el cadáver cruelmente torturado de un joven avionero. El teniente Silva y el guardia Lituma emprenden la búsqueda del asesino. Con gran destreza, Mario Vargas Llosa crea una intensa...