Blood Atonement

Blood Atonement
Криминальные детективы, Триллер
Автор: Waddell Dan
Серия: Nigel Barnes
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
Издатель: Penguin Books Ltd.
ISBN: 978-0-141-02566-7
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 27 Июн 12
Проверил: Admin 27 Июн 12
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Genealogist Nigel Barnes's second case leads him into the dark heart of the Mormon church and a gruesome, century-old secret.
Detective Chief Inspector Grant Foster is called to a homicide at the home of a single mother in Queens Park, London. Her throat has been cut from ear to ear and her body dumped in the garden. Her daughter and only child, Naomi, who has just turned fourteen that day, is missing. As the hours tick by, the feeling grows among Foster's colleagues that this is most likely becoming a double-murder inquiry. With nothing in the present to indicate a motive, Foster decides to delve into the dead woman's past only to find out she does not have one. He calls on genealogist Nigel Barnes. The trail takes Barnes back to late Victorian England where it abruptly ends with a young couple who came from the United States to England. Nigel's quest takes him on trip through the violent history of the Mormon church as he and Foster race to solve a shameful, long-kept secret that is about to have bloody repercussions in the present, and for which someone is seeking vengeance.
Dan Waddell delivers another gritty, suspenseful mystery that will keep readers guessing until the last page.

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