Brown's Requiem

Brown's Requiem
Криминальные детективы
Язык: английский
Год: 1981
Издатель: Avon
ISBN: 978-0-380-78741-8
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 19 Июл 21
Проверил: Admin 19 Июл 21
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Death knell in L.A. Beneath the golden glitter, Tinsel Town spawns sleaze, sickies, psychos, and wiseguys. Ex-cop Fritz Brown, sometime P.I., full-time Beethoven buff, sees it all as he walks the shady side of the streets. Now he’s got a client named Freddy “Fat Dog” Baker, a caddy who flashes too much cash... and a gut feeling that this case could be his last. Arson, pay-offs, and porn are all part of the game. But so is Fat Dog’s foxy cello-playing sister. And soon Brown’s desire to make beautiful music with her threatens to turn his favorite song into a funeral march.

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