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The Kissed Corpse
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The Kissed Corpse

Автор: Baker Asa
Серия: Jerry Burke #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1939
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What was the clue of the lipstick on the dead man’s mouth that started Jerry Burke on the tortuous murder trail through El Paso and Juarez? The death maze draws together an American oil tycoon; a high official of the State Department; and two...
The cruelest month
Криминальные детективы, Триллер

The cruelest month

Автор: Penny Louise
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
Статус: Закончена
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Welcome to Three Pines, where the cruelest month is about to deliver on its threat. It's spring in the tiny, forgotten village; buds are on the trees and the first flowers are struggling through the newly thawed earth. But not everything is meant to...