MOB [en]

MOB [en]
Криминальные детективы
Автор: Glenn Roy
Серия: A Mike Black saga #1
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 28 Июн 12
Проверил: Admin 28 Июн 12
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Travis Burns, a.k.a. Mr. Blue, Jackie Washington, a.k.a. Mr. White, and Ronnie Grier a.k.a. Mr. Green live by rules. The first and foremost of these rules is M.O.B. The rules have serviced them well in what they do to earn a living. They are a robbing crew, who operate under the protection of Mike Black's organization (Is It A Crime). They rob banks, grocery stores, jewelry stores, and anything else that they can hit quick and come away with a large return on their investment of time. They are organized, prepared, and over all else, disciplined. All college graduates and all victims of the corporate lay-offs and down sizing, they dress down - no flashy jewelry, no expensive car, nothing that will attract the attention of police and player haters. life is good until Travis meets Me'chelle Lawrence and falls in love. Now he has to chose between the money and loyalty to his friends and the woman he loves.

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