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Letters between Forster and Isherwood on Homosexuality and Literature

Letters between Forster and Isherwood on Homosexuality and Literature

Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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The correspondence between E. M. Forster and Christopher Isherwood is a fascinating record of the professional and personal lives of two major British writers from the 1930s to the 1960s. The letters of the 1930s reveal how Forster and Isherwood...
Little Labors
Критика, Публицистика

Little Labors

Автор: Galchen Rivka
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
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Sei Shonagon’s Pillow Book—a key inspiration for Rivka Galchen’s new book — contains a list of “Things That Make One Nervous.” And wouldn’t the blessed event top almost anyone’s list? Little Labors is a slanted, enchanted...
Lost in the Cosmos
История, Критика

Lost in the Cosmos

Автор: Percy Walker
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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“A mock self-help book designed not to help but to provoke; a chapbook to inveigle us into thinking about who we are and how we got into this mess.” —Los Angeles Times Book Review Published at the height of the 1980s self-help boom,...
Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Українка в конфлікті міфологій
Критика, Философия

Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Українка в конфлікті міфологій

Язык: украинский
Год: 2007
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Хто ми — Україна чи Малоросія? Європа чи Росія? Чи українська релігійність — це те саме, що візантійське православ'я? Звідки взялись...