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Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Українка в конфлікті міфологій
Критика, Философия

Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Українка в конфлікті міфологій

Язык: украинский
Год: 2007
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Хто ми — Україна чи Малоросія? Європа чи Росія? Чи українська релігійність — це те саме, що візантійське православ'я? Звідки взялись...
Steal Like artist Communist
Контркультура, Критика

Steal Like artist Communist

Автор: Kleonov Oleg
Язык: русский
Год: 2020
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The book is dedicated to the emerging socialist, revolutionary new art after the collapse of the USSR. The slogan of such art: "We take inspiration from the rich and give it to the poor." Oleg Leonov addresses important issues of private ownership...
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
Критика, Публицистика

The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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The Case Against Wagner was one Nietzsche’s last books, and his wittiest. In Wagner’s music, in his doctrine, in his whole concept of art, Nietzsche saw the confirmation, the promotion, even the encouragement, of that decadence and degeneration...