Joe Gibson is a washed-up alcoholic rock star, an ex-rebel who's now nothing but an embarrassment. When the TV starts sending him messages one night, he's inclined to write it off as no more than a bad case of DTs. Fortunately for Joe, the TV...
Joe Gibson is a washed-up alcoholic rock star, an ex-rebel who's now nothing but an embarrassment. When the TV starts sending him messages one night, he's inclined to write it off as no more than a bad case of DTs. Fortunately for Joe, the TV...
The stars brought life to the planet, and the stars destroyed it.
Sand like powder smothers the decimated planet; those who eke an existence scavenge and utilise old technologies they barely understand, wanderers drifting from outpost to outpost....
Case, a kozolcowboy, az adatmezők magányos vándora magára haragította megbízóit, s ezért a hibáért képességeinek legjavával kellett fizetnie. Azóta üzletel, a...
Here is the novel that started it all, launching the cyberpunk generation, and the first novel to win the holy trinity of science fiction: the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award and the Philip K. Dick Award. With Neuromancer, William Gibson introduced...
Oto brama w niezwykły świat Gibsona — mechaniczny, lecz przepełniony uczuciem, żyjący seksem, gwałtem i pieniędzmi, mroczny, podniecający jak narkotyk.
Świat walczących o władzę...
« Science-fiction à court terme qui explore les retombées des technologies de pointe, notamment l’informatique, dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. Ambiance marquée par la culture rock et flirt fréquent avec le polar....