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Автор: Gibson William
Серия: The Bridge
Язык: английский
Год: 1996
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Amazon.com The author of the ground-breaking science-fiction novels Neuromancer and Virtual Light returns with a fast-paced, high-density, cyber-punk thriller. As prophetic as it is exciting,...
Memory Wire
Киберпанк, Научная фантастика

Memory Wire

Язык: английский
Год: 1987
Статус: Закончена
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Рэймонд Келлер стал Оком — человеком-видеорегистратором, чтобы забыть своё прошлое. Тереза приобрела зависимость от внеземных камней...
Vickers (Corp.s.e.)

Vickers (Corp.s.e.)

Язык: английский
Год: 1986
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Mort (geddit?) Vickers is a CORPorate Security Executive (i.e., a company hitman) in a near-future America wherein the Corporations have usurped most of the functions of Government and are a law unto themselves. We first meet him on a return...
Syn City: Reality Bytes

Syn City: Reality Bytes

Автор: Constantine Bard
Серия: Havenworld #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
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When your entire world is synthetic, what does it mean to be human? Specter is a thief and hustler addicted to Elysia: a virtual reality world where limits don't exist, and he can have everything he desires. But residencies are costly, so he...
The End Is Nigh
Киберпанк, Научная фантастика

The End Is Nigh

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster,...