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Язык: английский
Год: 1991
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Joe Gibson is a washed-up alcoholic rock star, an ex-rebel who's now nothing but an embarrassment. When the TV starts sending him messages one night, he's inclined to write it off as no more than a bad case of DTs. Fortunately for Joe, the TV...
Holy Fire

Holy Fire

Язык: английский
Год: 1996
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In a novel set in the twenty-first century, a bionic woman becomes swept into a world of simulated environments and heightened perception. Nominated for BSFA Award in 1996, for Hugo and Locus awards in...
Vickers (Corp.s.e.)

Vickers (Corp.s.e.)

Автор: Farren Mick
Язык: английский
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Mort (geddit?) Vickers is a CORPorate Security Executive (i.e., a company hitman) in a near-future America wherein the Corporations have usurped most of the functions of Government and are a law unto themselves. We first meet him on a return...


Автор: Ramez Naam
Серия: Nexus #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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Six months have passed since the release of Nexus 5. The world is a different, more dangerous place. In the USA, the freedom fighters of the Post-Human Liberation Front use Nexus to turn men and women into human time bombs aimed at the President...
Budayeen Nights: Stories
Киберпанк, Научная фантастика

Budayeen Nights: Stories

Серия: Marid Audran #4
Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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Long identified as a science fiction writer, except in his own eyes, George Alec Effinger had some of his biggest critical and commercial success with a series even he recognized and characterized as SF. Set in the marvelously realized, imaginary...


Язык: английский
Год: 1991
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In Synners, the line between technology and humanity is hopelessly slim. A constant stream of new technology spawns crime before it hits the streets; the human mind and the external landscape have fused to the point where any encounter with...
Smart-digital Bulgaria.

Smart-digital Bulgaria.

Автор: Cuber
Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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Rate of lectures on cyber-marxism  "Smart-digital Bulgaria - SDB-СЦБ "  .   IOSM - the inf-open society of direct national self-management) is an ideal example of functioning of the smart-automated state. It...