The phenomenal series set in a future New York City returns as NYPSD Lt. Eve Dallas hunts for the killer of a seemingly ordinary history teacher-and uncovers some extraordinary surprises. Craig Foster's death devastated his young wife, who'd sent...
Virgil Skinner served fourteen years for a murder he didn't commit. He's finally been exonerated, but he can't escape the gang he joined in order to survive. They'll do anything to keep him from telling what he knows. And if they can't get to...
In early spring of 2059, Lieutenant Eve Dallas is called off planet to face a grueling ordeal – giving a seminar at the largest police conference of the year, to be held in a swanky resort. A resort which just happens to be owned by her husband,...
A former Marine and Las Vegas vice cop, Nathan Fox has seen it all and then some. Heading up security for the Onyx Casino is tame compared to his past, but it's not his only job. Working for the Reliance Group is his real passion project. His...
The coachman tried to warn her away from the ruined, forbidding place on the rainswept Cornish coast. But young Mary Yellan chose instead to honor her mother's dying request that she join her frightened Aunt Patience and huge, hulking Uncle Joss...
Ein sensationeller Mordprozess lockt Heerscharen von Journalisten und Prominenten aus aller Welt nach Athen. Was dort vor den Schranken des Hohen Gerichts aufgerollt wird, ist die Lebens- und Liebesgeschichte zweier attraktiver Frauen, die demselben...
From Publishers Weekly
Written under the pen name J.D. Robb, this futuristic mysteryDset in New York City, year 2059Dshowcases veteran writer Nora Roberts's skills at their best. It's as tough, smart, sassy and successful as its heroine, police...
Sie ist jung, bildhübsch, intelligent und mit einem Mann aus bestem Haus verlobt. Tracy Whitney hat alles, was man sich nur wünschen kann. Doch dann tappt sie, Opfer ihrer eigenen Gutgläubigkeit, in eine raffinierte Falle des...
Her razor-sharp mind and ability to decipher evidence have made Avery Delaney an expert crime analyst for the FBI. Now she will have to use every one of her skills on a case that hits painfully close to home.
Avery's beloved aunt Carolyn was...