Nieodparta pokusa

Nieodparta pokusa
Остросюжетные любовные романы
Язык: польский
Добавил: Admin 19 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 19 Июл 12
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P.I. Noah Summers has finally met his match. He wants sexy Natalie Hastings so badly, he'll do anything to have her… including taking her in after a car accident leaves her with short-term memory loss. And protecting her when he learns she's acquired a stalker. And harder still, keeping his hands off of her until she can remember. Only, he hadn't counted on Natalie making his job to difficult. * Natalie's world has been turned upside down. Her only constant is her sexy "fiance" Noah. And she wants him. constantly. Only, all of a sudden, he's acting noble. But not for long. Because Natalie's planning a seduction he'll never forget! Before long, Natalie has Noah where she wants him- in her bed and her heart. If only Noah was the man Natalie thought he was.

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