Shadows Over Baker Street is an anthology of stories, each by a different author and each concerning an exploit of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes set against the backdrop of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. The collection is edited by...
Sherlock Holmes has investigated some strange cases in his celebrated career, but none stranger than when a woman claims that she has received vital clues to an unsolved murder from the ghost of her own murdered daughter. Based on an actual 19th...
This most curious and unusual case displays Sherlock Holmes's astonishing abilities of observation, logical reasoning and detection to the full, but nevertheless the case did not meet with his personal satisfaction, he felt it did not merit...
Beware Greeks bearing gifts - especially when it's billionaire Demosthenes Skouratis selling the biggest pleasure cruise ship ever built to the United Nations for their headquarters. CHEAP! Over three times the size of the QE II, this huge vessel...
And now, from the great folks who brought you Pearl Harbor...
Nemuro Nishitsu remembered Pearl Harbor. He also remembered the rest of World War II and Japan's humiliating defeat. Nishitsu had been a humble soldier then. He was Japan's number...
Just as world leaders are flocking to New York to discuss world peace, someone takes off with the U.S. Navy's latest super-weapon - a top secret, atom-armed jet bomber that can escape radar detection. Remo and Chiun launch an investigation, but...
Chiun knows a secret and he isn't even telling Remo, the Destroyer, whom he has taught all his skills and loves as a son, because America has committed a sin against him he cannot pardon. They are in Africa, where feuds that have smoldered over...