It is 1863, but not the one it should be. Time has veered wildlyoff course, and now the first moves are being made that will leadto a devastating world war and the fall of the British Empire. Theprime minister, Lord Palmerston, believes that by...
An ordinary California political campaign turns into a thriller when someone begins killing off the candidates, and it is up to Remo and Chiun to stop...
Ruby is too hot to handle, and Remo is being ordered to play fireman. But friendship comes first, even to a Master of Sinanju, and Remo is steaming mad. Mad enough, in fact, to walk out. It's out of the frying pan and into the fire because Chiun,...
A strange epidemic is sweeping the Riviera. In desperation the French authorities call upon Dr Petrie to find an answer. During this crisis, a mysterious siren on the beach captivates Alan Sterling. She tells him her name only – Fleurette – and...
When fish begin to disappear from the coastal United States, the source of the problem is discovered in Canada and threatens relations between the neighboring countries, until the Destroyer starts trawling for...
A wild child of the bayous, Leon Grosvenor is a two-legged freak show of shaggy hair and talons with an insatiable hunger for raw flesh. His unique abilities as a bona fide loup-garou have earned him gainful employment as a contract killer for Cajun...