When two suspect psychics offer Ambrose Altamont and his wife the opportunity to contact their recently deceased daughter, the wealthy British aristocrat wastes no time in hiring Sherlock Holmes to expose their hoax. He arranges for the...
In this sequel to the critically-acclaimed novel that grabbed fans of X-Files and Stranger Things, Jeremy Finley returns with another thriller full of aliens and government cover-ups.
For most of his life, William Chance has been the living...
Something strange was happening - and only Chuin knew what it was.
In America, the Indian tribes had united and were delivering crushing blows to the U.S. Army. In the Middle East, the Arabs had regained their martial mastery and were...
The San Diego branch of the Secret Service is receiving some absolutely perfect counterfeit U.S. currency in the mail, and getting nervous. A flood of these bogus bucks could cripple the economy. But plans for using the funny money are more...
This most curious and unusual case displays Sherlock Holmes's astonishing abilities of observation, logical reasoning and detection to the full, but nevertheless the case did not meet with his personal satisfaction, he felt it did not merit...
Here's an absorbing and intricately plotted mystery set in a troubled future England, a story that expertly and effortlessly mixes two genres to produce a hybrid worthy of the best of either: a science fiction mystery full of surprises, where...
When Sir James and his Knights Temporary unleash deadly nanobots to reclaim former British colonies throughout Africa, Jamaica, and now New Jersey, Remo, who is outraged that his home state is being invaded, joins in the fray to stop the madness and...
Where had all the Flower Children gone?
What was nifty in the '60s was nasty in the '90s. Hippies were crazed eco-freaks out to save the earth by destroying the square world. And the image of a Haight-Ashbury angel named Sky Bluel played with...
Black is not only beautiful, it's Ruby Gonzalez . . . the wild CIA lady with a sure cure for what ails Remo and Chiun. Remo Williams just can't seem to forget he was once a Newark cop. But when you're the Destroyer you do need a little humility....