Devastated by the deaths of her husband and infant son in a car crash that she alone survived, Casey Maldonado has taken to traveling, accompanied by Death, whom only she can see. She ends up in Clymer, Ohio, a small town devastated by the...
Two murders have occurred on One One One, an artificial ecosystem created by the universe’s dominant AIs to house several engineered species, including a violent, sentient race of sloth-like creatures. Under order from the Diplomatic Corps,...
Adrift in the lonely rice fields of Northern China, American agent Tony McKay found himself face to face with the most diabolical evil he had ever encountered. The "Cold Men," spiritless creatures that...
Close Encounters
Is it a space odyssey or a spaced-out hoax? The answer isn't clear, but this much is certain: a stranger from a strange land has come to earth and recruited a squadron of space cadets to launch a campaign against America's...
In the wake of several dangerous railroad accidents where a masked samurai swordsman is seen repeatedly, Dr. Harold Smith sends his associates Remo Williams and Master Chiun to pose as DOT...
It is 1863, but not the one it should be. Time has veered wildly off course, and now the first moves are being made that will lead to a devastating world war and the fall of the British Empire. The prime minister, Lord Palmerston, believes that...
It is 1863, but not the one it should be. Time has veered wildlyoff course, and now the first moves are being made that will leadto a devastating world war and the fall of the British Empire. Theprime minister, Lord Palmerston, believes that by...
It is 1863, but not the one it should be. Time has veered wildly off course, and now the first moves are being made that will lead to a devastating world war and the fall of the British Empire.
The prime...
Something smells at Cabbagehead Productions. Ticket sales for the indie company's slasher movies are skyrocketing, thanks to the publicity of some real-life murders. Remo draws the short straw to dump whoever is behind these...
Golden Mirage
The losers or World War II and their descendants have carved out their own little slice of heaven in the mountains of Argentina. In this staging area to the Fourth Reich, the promise of the dream reborn dawned as bright as a new...