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Fast Buck
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Fast Buck

Язык: английский
Год: 1952
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International jewel thief, Paul Hater, knows a secret that everyone wants to know - and will go to any lengths to uncover. How long can he remain silent? When Hater is arrested in possession of a stolen necklace, the police use every possible means...
Follow the Saint
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Follow the Saint

Серия: Saint #20
Язык: английский
Год: 1961
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The book consists of the following stories: "The Miracle Tea Party" — Simon Templar investigates an unprovoked attack on his "nemesis", Scotland Yard Chief Inspector Claud Eustace Teal, which appears to be connected to the smuggling of...
Prelude for War
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Prelude for War

Серия: Saint #19
Язык: английский
Год: 1938
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HAD it not been for the fire, Simon Templar, much better known to both the police and the underworld as "The Saint," might really have enjoyed a long vacation and the exquisite pleasure which he always found in the company of Patricia Holm. But...
Седьмой ангел [= «Дьявольский коктейль»]
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Седьмой ангел [= «Дьявольский коктейль»]

Язык: русский
Год: 2008
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Марина молода и хороша собой, однако в последнее время ее преследуют неприятности: с работы сократили, а личная жизнь застыла на нулевой...
Hit and Run
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Hit and Run

Язык: английский
Год: 1958
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Lucille Aitkin was the kind of woman who encouraged men to run around after her and most men were more than happy to do so—so why did she suddenly want to learn to drive rather than being chauffer-driven in style? And why was Chester Scott's...