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The Night Following
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The Night Following

Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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Edgar Awards (nominee) On a blustery April day, the quiet, rather private wife of a doctor discovers that her husband has been having an affair. Moments later, driving along a winding country road and distracted perhaps by her own thoughts,...
Half Broken Things
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Half Broken Things

Язык: английский
Год: 2003
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Dagger Awards (nominee) Loners Jean, Micheal and Steph are drawn together to Walden Manor by a mixture of deceit, good luck and misfortune. There, they shape new lives, full of hope and happiness. When their idyll is threatened they discover...
Призрак с арбалетом
Другие детективы, Полицейские детективы

Призрак с арбалетом

Язык: русский
Год: 2007

Глубокой зимней ночью на улице обнаружен труп бомжа, в то же время в городе пропал приезжий бизнесмен. Оба события как-то связаны,...