Forensic archeologist Ruth Galloway investigates her most heart-stopping case to date after an old university friend and fellow archeologist is murdered in an arson...
This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit...
Unhealed scars of the Great War still torment Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge, and he carries with him the presence of the soldier he was forced to execute in the midst of battle. A haunted, damaged shell of a man, he has been sent to the...
What could make Nero Wolfe so determined to solve a crime that he would be willing to work entirely without fee or client? What would it take to put him, for the first time, at a loss for words? What would make him so angry about a case that he...
There is always room in the world for more gripping tales about the exploits of the inimitable Sherlock Holmes and the redoubtable Dr Watson. Here is a collection of five previously unknown cases from the astonishing career of the consulting...
Life is hectic enough for suburban single mom Jane Jeffrey this Christmas season--what with her having to survive cutthroat church bazaar politics and finish knitting the afghan from Hell at the same time. The last thing the harried homemaker...
When amateur sleuth Josie Pigeon joins her longtime beau, Sam, on a trip to New York City for a week, she suspects she'll be looking at engagement rings, not mug shots. Once they arrive in the Big Apple though, the constant...