Ordell Robbie and Louis Gara have lots in common—time in the same slammer, convictions for grand theft auto, and a plan for a big score. They’re going to snatch the wife of a Detroit developer and collect some easy ransom money. They don’t...
Шерлок Холмс и дело «Огонька». Предисл. А. Шермана. – Б. м.: Salamandra P.V.V., 2013. – 150 c., илл. – (Новая шерлокиана, Вып. VII).
Загадочное дело,...
Here from philosopher/logician/puzzlemaker Raymond Smullyan are fifty elegant, witty, and altogether unique "chess mysteries." In each problem the solver has to deduce certain events in a game's past. For example: On what square was...