At Witt's End

At Witt's End
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Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 14 Май 12
Проверил: Admin 14 Май 12
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Mayhem is on the rise at the Witt’s End Resort, especially Cabin 14, where no guest ever leaves alive.
Okay, is that a great hook or what? And the book is about-a death coach. Who solves murders.
To add to it, the reason the guests never leave Cabin 14 is not that they're murdered. It's that-well, that would give it away.
But let me just ask: have you ever heard a strange noise-when you know there's nothing there? A kitchen cabinet is open-and you now you didn't open it? A voice seems to whisper to you…but you know you're alone?
Or are you? (Cue scary music.)
Beth Solheim does not seem someone who believes in…well, whatever. Let her tell it.

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