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Fools Rush In
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Fools Rush In

Автор: Горман Эд
Серия: Sam McCain #7
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
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It’s 1963, in fact. June. All spring Freedom Riders have been advancing the cause of civil rights in the South, and even in the face of city commissioner “Bull” Connor’s police dogs and fire hoses demonstrators have marched through the...
Blood Sport
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Blood Sport

Язык: английский
Год: 1967
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Gene Hawkins, investigator (of a special sort) by trade, was expert at arranging events so that they appeared accidental to all involved. Therefore when he himself became a witness to an “accident” his curiosity flared up bright, and he insisted...
The Battered Body
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The Battered Body

Автор: Stanley J. B.
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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There's trouble on the rise when the "Diva of Dough" arrives in Quincy's Gap to make the wedding cake for Milla and Jackson's Christmas Eve nuptials. The famous chef and television personality is Milla's sister, but while her confections are...
The Slaying Of The Shrew
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The Slaying Of The Shrew

Автор: Hawke Simon
Язык: английский
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The sequel to A Mystery of Errors finds Will Shakespeare and Symington "Tuck" Smythe embroiled in a murder mystery when the bumbling detectives and their band of thespians are hired to furnish theatrical entertainment at a large wedding pageant...
Total Recall
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Total Recall

Автор: Paretsky Sara
Язык: английский
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The bestselling V.I. Warshawski novels have dazzled readers and earned the acclaim of critics everywhere. "V.I. Warshawski rules," writes Newsweek, crowning her "the most engaging woman in detective fiction." Of V.I.'s creator, the Chicago...
Make Out With Murder [= Five Little Rich Girls]
Другие детективы, Эротика

Make Out With Murder [= Five Little Rich Girls]

Серия: Chip Harrison #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1974
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RESOURCEFUL YOUTH wanted to assist detective. Low pay, long hours, hard work, demanding employer. Familiarity with tropical fish helpful but not absolutely necessary. An excellent opportunity for one man in a million... I didn’t know if I was one...