A story of drama and intrigue set on the sinister side of the international racing circuit. Tor Kelsey, an undercover agent for the Jockey Club's Security Service trails Julius Apollo Filmer, a blackmailer and murderer, onto a luxury train...
The Rosemary and Thyme series, to which this new Peter Lovesey story belongs, has been adapted for TV in the U.K., with Felicity Kendal and Pam Ferris in the starring roles. In its first successful season, the show drew in seven million viewers...
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2009
EVENT: The next Stephanie Plum novel, in which complications arise, loyalties are tested, cliffhangers are resolved, and donuts are eaten.
WHERE: Wherever books are sold across America
Terry McCaleb's enforced quiet lifestyle on the island of Catalina is a far cry from the hectic excitement of his former role as homicide detective in L.A. However, when a small time criminal is found dead McCaleb is persuaded to profile the...
Detective Hieryonymus 'Harry' Bosch finds himself yet again in charge of a case that no one else will touch. This time his job is to nail the killer of hot shot black lawyer Howard Elias. Elias has been found murdered on the eve of going to court...
The Closers puts Harry Bosch back in the Los Angelese Police Department, where he was meant to be, and sets him to solving old cases, which is what he always did best, alongside Kiz Rider, who was always the best of the partners fate, and...
When maverick LAPD Harry Bosch shot and killed Norman Church, the police were convinced it marked the end of the search for the Dollmaker, one of the city's most bizarre serial killers. But now, Church's widow is accusing Bosch of killing the...