Murder in the Courthouse

Murder in the Courthouse
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Автор: Grace Nancy
Серия: Hailey Dean #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
Добавил: Admin 30 Окт 16
Проверил: Admin 30 Окт 16
Формат:  FB2, ePub, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, MOBI, JAVA, LRF

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Hailey Dean, the prosecutor who never lost a case, jets to Savannah as an expert witness on the sensational Julie Love-Adams murder trial but very quickly finds herself embroiled in a deadly mystery.
As soon as she touches down, Hailey bumps into her old partner, crime investigator Garland Fincher. Leaving the Savannah airport, the two hear an APB on a murder that's just been committed. Racing to the scene, they find Alton Turner, a courthouse sheriff known for crossing t's and dotting i's. The mild-mannered paperpusher is prone to extreme tidiness, but he's a hot mess now… sprawled dead in a pool of blood, severed in half by a garage door.
Never one to stay in the background, Hailey jump-starts Turner's murder investigation while juggling the Julie Love-Adams trial. The timing of the trial and murder could be a coincidence, but everyone knows there are no coincidences in criminal law.
And that's just the beginning. Courthouse regulars start dropping dead one by one… but why? While Lt. Billings is falling hard for Hailey, she digs in to find a killer with a mysterious agenda… as it becomes deathly apparent the next murder victim may very well be Hailey herself.
It's crime sleuth Hailey Dean at her best!

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