In the wake of Fourth of July fireworks in Montana's Madison Valley, Hyalite County sheriff Martha Ettinger and Deputy Sheriff Harold Little Feather investigate a horrific scene at the Palisades cliffs, where a herd of bison have fallen to their...
Meet the happy crafter who believes every mystery should be unraveled. Meet the happy crafter who believes every mystery should be unraveled.
Molly Pink's crochet group has a new mystery on their hands when they find a paper bag that...
Awaiting the birth of his first
kittens, feline P. I. Joe Grey, his
companion Dulcie, and their
furry sleuthing pals must
unmask a killer preying on some
of the most vulnerable citizens in the charming California
coastal community of...
Mafia princess Shirley Meeker wants her husband back. So does her father the kingpin and a few other shady characters. Spenser and hawk head to Vegas to find Anthony Meeker and to confirm their suspicion that all these people aren't just missing...