Exercise your brain with hundreds of colorful, mind-blowing photo puzzles
Sudoku, crosswords, word searches, and other brainteasers are wildly popular these days-not just because they're fun, but also because they stimulate the mind and keep it...
Oto gra dla prawdziwych twardzieli. Reguły karciane to tylko połowa sukcesu - reszta to umiejętność zachowania zimnej krwi, podejmowania trafnych decyzji w warunkach stresu, zapanowania nad mową ciała i mimiką oraz mistrzowskie blefowanie....
Understand the basics of the game!
Rake in the chips with this savvy guide
Whether you're looking to join a friendly weekly poker game or aiming for the championship in a local tournament, this guide gets you started so you can play your way to the...
Practical, step-by-step tips for players of all levels
From Snooker to Carom to good-old-fashioned 8- or 9-Ball, Pool & Billiards For Dummies reveals the tips, tricks, and rules of play, covering the variety of the ever-popular games that make...
El póquer es una brillante mezcla de estrategia y psicología.
Esta completa guía te explica los fundamentos del juego y te enseña a interpretar las pistas de tus oponentes: ¡ganarás más que tus adversarios con las manos buenas y perderás...
Interested in learning to sail but feel like you’re navigating in murky waters? Sailing for Dummies, Second Edition introduces the basics of sailing, looks at the different types of sailboats and their basic parts, and teaches you everything you...
From the era of the Roman Empire through the rise of the Renaissance, this coloring book presents 15 centuries of Spanish fashion. Spotlights the Roman-styled garments worn by a 3rd-century farm couple to military garb of Saracen warriors and...