A Warhammer Chronicles omnibus
The Knightly Orders are the protectors of the Empire. This collection of novels focuses on three orders – the elite Reiksguard, pious Knights of the Blazing Sun and savage Knights of the White Wolf – as they defend...
Mustering for war against the orks, the Ultramarines Legion is attacked by the Word Bearers on the planet of Calth, and the forces of Chaos openly reveal their part in the Heresy.
Unaware of the wider Heresy and following the Warmaster’s...
Some might suppose that the Kurii are monsters, but that is distinctly unfair. They are merely another life form. The Kur is often eight to ten feet in height, if it should straighten its body, and several hundred pounds in weight, and is clawed,...
En la adormecida e idílica Comarca, un joven hobbit recibe un encargo: custodiar el Anillo Único y emprender el viaje para su destrucción en las Grietas del Destino. Acompañado por magos, hombres, elfos y enanos, atravesará la Tierra Media y se...
Elayne, Nynaeve y Aviendha prosiguen con sus investigaciones en Ebou Dar para encontrar el ter’angreal con el que podrían frenar la espantosa ola de calor que azota el mundo. Para ello se reúnen con los Marinos, quienes dan el...
El Tarmon Gai’don, la Última Batalla, se cierne amenazadora y la humanidad no está preparada. Rand al’Thor, el Dragón Renacido, se esfuerza por conseguir la unión de reinos y alianzas para el ...
La Compañía se ha disuelto y sus integrantes emprenden caminos separados. Frodo y Sam continúan solos su viaje a lo largo del río Anduin, perseguidos por la sombra misteriosa de un ser extraño que también ambiciona la posesión del Anillo....
Omnibus edition of the Legacy of Caliban trilogy, featuring the mysterious Dark Angels Space Marines.
Descendents of the First Legion, the Dark Angels are peerless warriors with a knightly heritage from their sundered home world of Caliban. Amongst...
FOUR GENERATIONS OF JEDIONE COMMON ENEMYThe Jedi Temple is a place of secrets and trust. Inside its walls, a legacy is passed down from generation to generation of peace, justice, and strength. But that legacy can be broken....
It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies....