The webway – a bizarre alien landscape created by the eldar in ages long past; a network of otherworldly tunnels that burrow through time and space. When the wards protecting the webway are accidentally breached by the primarch Magnus, hordes of...
While Horus’ rebellion burns across the galaxy, a very different kind of war rages beneath the Imperial Palace. The ‘Ten Thousand’ Custodian Guard, along with the Sisters of Silence and the Mechanicum forces of Fabricator General Kane, fight...
The first novel to be released in The Foreworld Saga, The Mongoliad: Book One, is an epic-within-an-epic, taking place in 13th century. In it, a small band of warriors and mystics raise their swords to save Europe from a bloodthirsty Mongol...
Hell just went quantum . . .
The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the possessed to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise...
Hell just went quantum . . .
The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the possessed to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise...
Trachos, a Lord-Ordinator of the Celestial Vindicators, journeys back to his brethren, tortured by the horrors he has experienced in the underworlds of Shyish – and by his own failings. A voice in his head berates him… and he's sure it's not his...
An evil crime family controls the fate of a planet. Only one witness can bring them down — someone from the inside. In order to make it off the planet to testify, she's going to need the protection of the Jedi.Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan...