After centuries of strife guided by the Emperor's holy light, Ephrael Stern finds herself forsaken when the Great Rift dawns and the light is extinguished. When a mysterious stranger offers new hope, the Daemonifuge is thrown into battle once...
Once a loyal son of the Emperor’s Children, Fabius Bile now loathes those he once called brother. But when a former comrade requests his aid on a mission he cannot refuse, Bile is drawn once more into the sinister machinations of his former...
As his Homo Novus project comes to fruition, Fabius Bile faces a new threat – the dreaded haemonculi of the Thirteen Scars. Can he marshal his forces to protect his creations, or are the New Men doomed to death?
Discover what...
He is known by many names - Clonelord, Manflayer, Primogenitor. He is the epitome of deceit and perversion, and feared by man and monster alike. Once the Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's Children, the madman known as Fabius Bile possesses a...
In the last years of the Crusade, Macharius comes to Loki. This heavily industrialised world is the bastion of the Lord Solar's arch-nemesis, the traitor Richter. Formerly one of Macharius's trusted advisors, Richter's betrayal is indicative of the...
Fresh from his victory on Arkunasha, the young Commander Farsight leads a crusade to reclaim tau colonies lost to mankind's Imperium.
The tau are a mysterious alien race, diametrically opposed to the Imperium of Man in every possible way, from their...
The T'au Empire has long been plagued by the brutal orks – and Commander Farsight will see them destroyed. As his obsessive war against the greenskins escalates, other forces are at work, driving Farsight to an encounter that will change his view...
As the crusade reaches its apex, Lord Solar Macharius is drawn by a prophecy to the world of Demetrius in search of an ancient artefact - the Fist of Demetrius. Rumours and legends abound of the artefact’s providence as a weapon of a primarch, the...
Sent to avenge the deaths of his brothers and purge a dangerous cult, Imperial Fists Primaris Librarian Aster Lydorran finds a foe beyond imagining on Ghyre. Lydorran must use all his strength, will and psychic might to defeat his hidden enemies and...