Mišela Peivere
Garagājējs Tumšās senatnes stāsti otrā grāmata
Garagājējs ir angļu rakstnieces Mišelas Peiveres izdomāts vārds- apzīmejuns cilvēkam ar neparastām spējām. Tādās personības dzimst apmēram reizi tūkstoš...
Gotrek Gurnisson, last survivor of the world-that-was, seeks the Undying King himself amidst the bleak underworlds of Shyish. Surrounded by the ghosts of the past, can Gotrek achieve his goal, or will his soul be forfeit?
The mining settlement of Seneca 6 is set on a distant planet at the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Sheriff Sam Clayton is murdered in the wasteland, beyond the reach of his two children and the people who respected and admired his firm hand in...
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel
There are few heroes so mighty as Hamilcar Bear-Eater – but when an ancient skaven warlock with a thirst for godhood seeks Hamilcar's immortal soul, will his martial prowess and uncanny skill be enough to ensure...
When the world of Armageddon is attacked by orks, the Black Templars Space Marine Chapter are amongst those sent to liberate it. Chaplain Grimaldus and a band of Black Templars are charged with the defence of Hive Helsreach from the xenos...
Taking the events and characters of the Iliad as his jumping off point Dan Simmons has created an epic of time travel and savage warfare. Travellers from 40,000 years in the future return to Homer's Greece and rewrite history forever, their...
Akcja książki dzieje się w świecie przypominającym nasz, którym rządzą jednak inne prawa — bardzo bliskie teoriom Arystotelesa, dotyczącym formy i materii. Każdy byt składa się z materii...
Mišela Peivere
Izraidītais Tumšās Senatnes Stāsti Ceturtā grāmata
No angļu valodas tulkojis Andis Būrmanis
Noskannējis grāmatu un failu izveidojis Imants Ločmelis
Izraidītais ir satriecošs stāsts par draudzību,...