Bredon didn't mean to interfere with the Powers-but then they interfered with him When the beings of myth and legend start fighting among themselves, mere mortals had best beware. Millennia ago, the survivors of a crash settled the planet of...
When John Mercy-of-Christ's soldiers ran up against weapons like none they had ever seen before, John's campaign to defeat the enemies of The True Word and Flesh came to a sudden halt. Once guns that could only come from Old Earth arrived, the...
One night Ed Smith thought he was having a waking nightmare when he saw a monstrous face at his window, but in the morning his neighbors were missing. The people who later turned up were not quite right, and gradually Smith realized they not only...
Twelve-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi desperately wants to be a Jedi Knight. After years at the Jedi Temple, he knows the power of the lightsaber and the Force. But he cannot control his own anger and fear. Because of this, the Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn...
It began as the ultimate voyage of discovery — only to become the stuff of lost Republic legend…and a dark chapter in Jedi history. Now, at last, acclaimed author Timothy Zahn returns to tell the whole extraordinary story of the remarkable —...