Children of the Albatross is divided into two sections: “The Sealed Room” focuses on the dancer Djuna and a set of characters, chiefly male, who surround her; “The Cage” brings together a case of characters already familiar to Nin’s...
Quando Anastasia Steele entrevista o jovem empresario Christian Grey, descobre nele um homem atraente, brilhante e profundamente dominador. Ingenua e inocente, Ana se surpreende ao perceber que, a despeito da enigmatica reserva de Grey, esta...
Volume 1 includes five stories based on real life. Names are changed to protect the privacy of people who gave their stories.Long Time WaitingA young man has just turned twenty-one, and he’s hoping to finally have sex. So far, his pursuits have...
Are you a man, and do you want to learn how to masturbate in such a way that you can have as many orgasms per day as you could possibly want? What is more, do you want to learn how to masturbate to a state of blissful pleasure that is far more...