This sequel to The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, the first of Anne Rice's elegantly written volumes of erotica, continues her explicit, teasing exploration of the psychology of human desire. Now Beauty, having indulged in a secret and forbidden...
How did I start the Lafayette Club?
Well, I’m in the business of saving tarnished souls. I hand pick girls from the street who have no options left in life and give them an opportunity they can’t possibly refuse.
They come to work in the...
Sawyer's story from The Art of D/s trilogy. Can be read as a stand alone novel or as a companion to The Art of D/s Trilogy.
Warning: Contains detailed sexual encounters, BDSM themes, oral, anal, ménage, F/F and profanity. Not for the...
Amy Yamada is one of the most prominent—and controversial—novelists in Japan today. She burst onto the scene in 1985 with her short novel “Bedtime Eyes,” which for critics embodied the spirit of the ‘shinjinru’—i.e. Generation X—in...
My name is Monica. I’m a singer born and raised in Los Angeles.
I’ve stopped dating. When I cut a record, or win a Grammy, maybe then I’ll be with someone, but every man in my past has done everything he could to make me submit myself...
How did I become a Jett Girl?Hell if I know, one moment I’m working at the premiere spot for creepy men and sloppy drunks and the next, I’m being whisked away by a moody ex-boxer and a mysterious man in a suit that overlooks his girls from the...
Tori Chambers. Old biddy, gossip, busybody and meddler. Except in reality she's none of those things--she's a guardian angel who specializes in helping people find their soul mates. Her latest assignment has had her tearing her hair out for over...
Kick by C.D. Reiss
The first novella in Songs of Perdition Fiona Drazen, sex addict, submissive slave, celebutante, trapped in a mental ward until Dr. Elliot Chapman can help her remember why she's there. But once she does, she might not want to...