This edition of Maxim Jakubowski’s Best New Erotica series auspiciously appears with a new collection of fiction from forty-eight artisans of the sensual. Selected from stories by more than 4,000 authors of erotica from around the world, these...
Here in one marvellous volume, is the cream of erotic writing from all the corners of the globe. Maxim Jakubowski has gathered together unexpurgated delights, new and unpublished gems, and classic masterpieces seldom seen before.
Come play in a...
Gideon Cross. As beautiful and flawless on the outside as he was damaged and tormented on the inside. He was a bright, scorching flame that singed me with the darkest of pleasures. I couldn't stay away. I didn't want to. He was my addiction… my...
“Is this man a gift from God, a Demon or the real Master of the Universe?”
A young, beautiful model, Grey-Ana, goes on a reality show audition, impersonating her twin sister Bleu-Rae, who has taken ill and could not attend. She encounters,...
Rejetant la douce nature rousseauiste, Sade dévoile le mal qui est en nous et dans la vie. La vertueuse Justine fait la confidence de ses malheurs et demeure jusque dans les plus scabreux détails l'incarnation de la vertu. Apologie du...
Infortunée Justine! Orpheline, ingénue, vertueuse… La voilà lancée sans défense sur les chemins du vice. Non qu'elle soit elle-même pervertie, mais les caprices du sort, ou peut-être son incroyable soumission,...
«Si je vous tenais dans un lit, vingt fois de suite je vous prouverais ma passion. Que les onze mille vierges ou même les onze mille verges me châtient si je mens!» Tel est le serment que le prince Mony Vibescu, hospodar...