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Автор: Blake Allene
Язык: английский
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The little girl with drunken mom is taken advantage of by landlord then mom disappears and she is put into foster home where owners love to discipline...


Автор: Blake Allene
Язык: английский
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The poor girl is introduced to the rich and spoiled who are into all types of exotic sex and...
The Pirate Masters

The Pirate Masters

Автор: Layle Madison
Язык: английский
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Masters Jared and Lance are experienced Doms and regularly join forces via The Pleasure Club to fulfill women’s dreams and have fun in the process. From sex dungeons to gothic castles, they’ve been there and done it all. But tonight, they’re...
My Secret Life
Биографии и мемуары, Эротика

My Secret Life

Автор: Walter
Язык: английский
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Тайная книга английской классикиСамая интересная книга на иностранном языке – непереведенная книга. Изюминкой английской классики в...


Автор: Noire
Язык: английский
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Her man demanded loyalty, but her body wouldn't obey.Have you ever rolled over in the middle of the night and realized you were doing things you swore you'd never do? Sexing brothers you vowed you'd never touch? Bending backwards and...
The Stolen Warrior

The Stolen Warrior

Автор: Rabiyah Anastasia
Язык: английский
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Hessa feeds the men kept in her master’s holding cells-men meant for the fighting pits and destined to die there for the pleasure of Bisura’s crowds…unless they are kept for breeding. In the darkness she discovers a stolen warrior from the...
Mystic U: Midterms

Mystic U: Midterms

Автор: Talbot Julia
Язык: английский
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Danny has decided to stay at Mystic U in the wilds of Wyoming because his new lovers, Heather and Lee, are just too hard to resist. A lot of people want Danny gone, though, and some of them aren’t afraid to show it in dangerous ways. Lee and...
My Berlin Summer

My Berlin Summer

Автор: Williams Dana
Язык: английский
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The American college girl finally had a chance to live out her own fantasy and got to know what it would be like to be a real...