Recounts the author's experiences as an Ivy League college graduate turned successful pornographic film producer.
A thoughtful, hilarious, and compulsively readable memoir by an Ivy League graduate-turned-pornographer who sets out to bring...
RESOURCEFUL YOUTH wanted to assist detective. Low pay, long hours, hard work, demanding employer. Familiarity with tropical fish helpful but not absolutely necessary. An excellent opportunity for one man in a million... I didn’t know if I was one...
Lisa Sheridan — a beautiful woman, alone and unfulfilled, driven by unnatural desires... Avery Lawes — only half a man because he had never loved a woman... They met, and each saw in the other a chance for escape. And so, in a frantic flight for...
The trouble with Eden is that it wouldn’t be half as fascinating as Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This novel bounces good-naturedly along from incest to suicide (pills, rope, alcohol) to various forms of schizophrenic-paranoic delusions amid the...
The edgy diary of a 1960s housewife’s adventure of self-realization. Turning 29 years old, Janet Giddings Kurland starts a journal and records her comfortably routine suburban lifestyle. But when she rolls the dice with her friend’s husband, she...
She was a nice girl. So were all the girls Vince liked. But they didn’t stay nice very long. Vince made his women love him and then hate him. Betty had to have him. She offered him everything. And Vince took her lush young body. All he ever did...