Cassiopeia-41- Unconditional Love - Irina Podzorova
A woman who established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
How to Overcome Addiction. The Power of Faith
#631 Irina Podzorova about her school years and...
CASSIOPEIA - Irina Podzorova - Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen -
Von unseren Weltraumfreunden übermittelte Informationen durch Irina Podzorova, eine Kontaktperson mit außerirdischen...
The British Study Edition of The Urantia Papers is a translation of the Fifth Epochal Revelation (also known as “The Urantia Book”) from American to British English as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English. It has the following main...
The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition contains The Urantia Book, a comprehensive index, a glossary of terminology, and a pronunciation guide. These tools help students not merely read the book, but actually study the book.
If you are new to The...