Džeimss Bonds saņem dīvainu uzdevumu - doties uz nelielu Francijas kūrortpilsētiņu, lai pie kāršu galda sacenstos ar kādu veiklu spēlmani. Vakarus viņš...
Le Chili dans les jours qui suivent le coup de force des militaires alors que la Junte au pouvoir impose sa loi.
Le Commander Serge Kovask accompagne une commission sénatoriale d'enquête américaine comme enquêteur. Il connaît bien le...
The Sixth Directorate (1975) was the second of Joseph Hone’s quartet of ‘Peter Marlow’ spy novels, all now reissued as Faber Finds.
In prison his name had been Marlow. When British Intelligence released him to impersonate a dangerous KGB...
A new army of killers was being recruited in Sicily by the Dons in the States. Young, tough, ruthless men were being smuggled into America, trained to wage brutal war within the underworld.
The government wanted to hasten the butchery and let...