1935: Cal Jardine is a soldier of fortune. Forced to leave Hamburg, where he has been helping Jews flee the Nazis, he is recruited by a secretive British committee to smuggle guns to Abyssinia, a country threatened by Italian invasion. But first...
Forget James Bond.
Forget Jason Bourne.
Forget Jack Bauer.
Meet Victor.
He's an assassin - a man with no past and no surname. But when a Paris job goes spectacularly wrong, Victor finds himself running for his life across four continents,...
Džeimss Bonds saņem dīvainu uzdevumu - doties uz nelielu Francijas kūrortpilsētiņu, lai pie kāršu galda sacenstos ar kādu veiklu spēlmani. Vakarus viņš...
The Sixth Directorate (1975) was the second of Joseph Hone’s quartet of ‘Peter Marlow’ spy novels, all now reissued as Faber Finds.
In prison his name had been Marlow. When British Intelligence released him to impersonate a dangerous KGB...