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The Midnight House
Шпионские детективы

The Midnight House

Автор: Berenson Alex
Серия: John Wells
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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When two former covert agents are gunned down, John Wells learns that the victims were part of an interrogation team that operated out of a secret base called the Midnight House, where they extracted information from the toughest jihadis. Wells...
The Pekin Target
Шпионские детективы

The Pekin Target

Автор: Холл Адам
Серия: Quiller #10
Язык: английский
Год: 1981
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In Peking ("Pekin" in British usage) the crowds gather for the funeral of the Chinese Premier. Quiller reports it: "The British delegates formed a short line along the side of the catafalque as their leader placed the Queen's wreath carefully...