1936: Devastated by the death of her beloved brother Hugh, Emma seeks to keep his memory alive by wholeheartedly embracing his dreams of a communist revolution. But when she marries an ambitious diplomat, she must leave her ideals behind and live...
Set in California, Mexico, Washington, D.C., and Germany in 1946, The Eighth Dwarf centers around a struggle among three intelligence agencies, each seeking the same man. Minor Jackson, and ex-OSS operative, is thrown into this conflict with only...
In the last days of World War II, a sailor discovers a transcontinental conspiracy. It is February 1945, and the war in the Pacific is nearing its climax. In Hawaii on his way to a new post, US Navy ensign Sam Drake stumbles across the girl of his...
On the home front, two wartime lovers reunite under a cloud of paranoiaIn 1937 Munich, an American must be careful when he smokes his pipe. Robert Branch, a careless academic, makes the mistake of lighting up when the Füchrer is about to begin a...
An exhilarating spy thriller about two women CIA agents who become intertwined around a threat to the Russia Division—one that’s coming from inside the agency.
Lyndsey Duncan worries her career with the CIA might be over. After lines are...
Former black ops agent Brady Hawk is enjoying his new life with his growing family on a ranch in Montana. Then the former head of the CIA pays Hawk a visit to discuss a dangerous assignment: extracting one of Hawk’s Navy SEAL friends stuck in...
VENDETTA IN VIETNAM General Martin is a hero. He proved his courage in Vietnam. And he paid for it in a POW camp. Now General Keith Martin is missing. Maybe he’s disappeared to have some privacy. And maybe he’s collecting on some old debts......
She’s always followed orders. Now she wants out. The price of freedom may be her life.
Moscow, 1986. Soviet spy Sofiya Litvinova longs to end her days exclusively working sexpionage missions. But when she’s dispatched to Stockholm to deploy...
Nuclear brinksmanship. Psychological warfare. Spies, double agents, femme fatales, and dead drops.
The Cold War—a terrifying time when nuclear war between the world’s two superpowers was an ever-present threat, an all-too-real possibility...