History stands poised to repeat itself as Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are besieged by walking corpses atop the Burial Mounds. It is here fate offers them a second chance to protect their loved ones and unmask the true instigator of...
Богaтa нa мaгия и митология, пpиключeния и опaсности, pомaнтикa и пpиятeлство и тeми, кaкто клaсичeски, тaкa и съвpeмeнни, "B моpскитe дълбини", пъpвaтa...
Song Yao ascended to immortality by pure mistake, and now the Jade Emperor has ordered him back down to the mortal realm to supervise a trial between two gods guilty of an affair. Yet, things keep straying from the script…
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