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Agave Kiss
Городское фэнтези

Agave Kiss

Серия: Corine Solomon #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
полная версия

Chance was gone; he'd sacrificed himself so Shannon and I could escape Sheol. We'd raised him on Shan's spirit radio, which meant his soul wasn't wholly destroyed by the demon gate.... Once Corine Solomon only had the touch — the ability to...
Городское фэнтези


Серия: Cal and Niko #8
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
полная версия

Taking on bloodthirsty supernatural monsters is how Caliban and Niko Leandros make a living. But years ago — before they became a force to be reckoned with — the brothers were almost victims of a very human serial killer. Almost. Unfortunately...
Крестовый поход
Городское фэнтези

Крестовый поход

Язык: русский
Год: 2013
полная версия

Мир не чувствует надвигающейся опасности. Люди живут спокойно и грезят о братской дружбе с вампирами. Проклятые вылезли из своих нор и...